The coffee industries that wish to distinguish them selves whit elegant and stylish product, will find the idea partner in Nuova Point in order to reach their objective, so as to "DRESS" their coffee impeccably, worthy of and atelier exclusivity.
The elegance is the sobriety Her clean but innovative line, the correct thickness of the edge and egg's bottom, dress the coffee of a simple but refined tuxedo.
Trieste Caffè

Trieste DEK

Trieste Cappuccino

Trieste Latte

The classicity and praticity Produced by a quarter of century but still very appreciated, it celebrates their silver wedding with the best coffee of the world for a long time. Is our best seller.
Genova Caffè

Genova Cappuccino

The famous pear cup Celebrating the gold wedding with the coffee, this classical but everlasting style, bewitches so many consumers of the whole world, that associate this design with the Italian espresso coffee doc.
Milano Caffè

Milano Cappuccino

Milano Cappuccino 200

The tradition and the hardness The traditional shape united to a strong thickness of the edge and of the bottom, they allow the coffee to express himself to the best, for aroma and fragrance.
Palermo Caffè

Palermo Espressino

Palermo Cappuccino 145

Palermo Cappuccino 200

Palermo Latte 260

Palermo Latte 290

The cleaning of the aesthetics A simple and smooth half cone to a modern handle, to exalt the dowries of the coffee' and to make it taste in his completeness.
Venezia Caffè

Venezia Cappuccino

Variation on the theme Here the half cone is equipped by a traditional handle that makes the line of this cup a classic, that never going out of fashion.
Modena Caffè

Modena Cappuccino

The classical italian style A style based on simplicity, the round perfect round edge and the narrow bottom are a frame to a author's cup, of "expressly" Italian school.
Portofino Caffè

Portofino Cappuccino M

Portofino Cappuccino L

The grace is the refinement Not egocentrism or excessive style but only discretion and a touch of class for "to dress" at the best a good coffee.
Firenze Caffè

Firenze Cappuccino

When the sight and the smell want their part Before sipping a good espresso coffee, it needs to satisfy the sight by dense foam and the sense of smell with an inebriant aroma. This cup is the Pandora's box for this wonder...
Padova Caffè

Padova Cappuccino

The modernity and the style A winner and tendency shape, this cup distinguish from the others models representing a novelty that it never passes unobserved... similar only to herself.
Asti Caffè

Asti Cappuccino

The napoletanity of the coffee In the popular imaginary "Pulcinella" always shows off his white suite, as the Napolitan veracious coffee prefer this cup for a long time, these cups that contain the history and the secular tradition of this "rite" purely napolitan.
Sorrento Caffè

Big cup for sugar bags To complete our cup's range we offer the complementary bench and table articles, realyzed in the same porcelain, able to during, and also to be an elegant and pubblicitary objects for you brand.
Trieste Maxi

Portofino maxi

Milk pourers To complete our cup's range we offer the complementary bench and table articles, realyzed in the same porcelain, able to during, and also to be an elegant and pubblicitary objects for you brand.
Milk pourer 50 cc

Milk pourer 80 cc

Milk pourer 120 cc

Milk pourer 320 cc

Teapots To complete our cup's range we offer the complementary bench and table articles, realyzed in the same porcelain, able to during, and also to be an elegant and pubblicitary objects for you brand.
Teiera 460 cc

Teapot 600 cc

Accessory To complete our cup's range we offer the complementary bench and table articles, realyzed in the same porcelain, able to during, and also to be an elegant and pubblicitary objects for you brand.
Money plate


Sugar holder